Word given to JESUS RULES
March 15, 2016

It saddens Me so that so many hearts are hardened and cold. These are the lost ones who roam the
earth, walking in the flesh only. They're quick to blame Me for all their problems. They say that a loving
God would not allow all the wicked that is upon the earth. I tell you that these people are ignorant and
do not seek true knowledge. But they do not realize is that satan has them in bondage and chains with
lies, as they use their own carnal minds to figure things out. I AM right next to them, hoping that they will
finally turn to Me and discover who I really AM. It was O so long ago that many angels left their proper
habitations and followed the lies of satan; for he is very cunning, telling them they could be free of their
duties and do whatever they please. This is why I created earth, to see who is truly Mine. Who will
server Me with free will, even with all the fame and riches that life has to offer. This is why so many go
through trials and life journeys, to refine them, to get them to come back to their first Love. Many
followed their lust of this world, chasing after vain things; finally realized it is truly empty. This is when
they turn to Me and I deliver them with My Precious Blood. I came to do away with the old law and make
a way for all to enter. At one time, even My Bride was lost, but became found. This is why I need My
Prayer Warriors and intercessors at this time to come to Me in fervent prayer for the lost ones for Me to
soften their hearts; and have mercy upon them in these final hours. It is you, My precious Bride who colabor
with Me. For many daily are entering the narrow gate at this time. So I ask for your patience at this
time. For My plan is perfect and all shall be revealed when you stand before Me, My faithful ones.
Yeshua Ha Mashiach


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